
To experience Farmer Strong fully we would recommend becoming a member. We have a variety of options that can suit your needs. Look below at our options.

  • Monthly Membership

    Unlimited Classes

    £75 a month (Direct Debit)

    Renews on the 1st of every month

    Join anytime at prorated cost

  • Pay as you go - drop In

    Pay just for one class


    Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 7 days.

    Non refundable

Want to Know What Our Members Think?

Read their journeys with Farmer Strong below.

Megan’s Story

I came to farmer strong in June/July 2020 and trying to put into words to describe Farmer Strong and its community is very hard. I’ve never experienced a gym setting that challenges you not just physically but mentally. I find myself rearranging my day just to get to the farm as much as possible.

People ask me “can you just miss it this once?” The answer is NO, I really can’t. It’s constant growth at the farm and none of this would have been possible without Charlie. I’m truly blessed to be able to say that I’m part of the farmer strong community.

Matt’s Story

Can’t recommend farmer strong enough. Completely different to your average gyms and typical workout routines where you’re lifting weights without really knowing what you’re doing or sitting on cardio machines waiting for time to go by.

Each class is easy to follow, well planned out and challenging to your own accord. Charlie is always on hand to help and always pushing each class to achieve their fitness goals.

Mary’s Story

I’ve been going to Farmer Strong from October 2020 & can’t recommend the place enough. If you’re just starting out or you already enjoy training and want to mix it up, this is the perfect place. I’ve always loved exercise but never enjoyed the gym, found them quite daunting & boring, but at the farm, you’re made to feel so welcome and part of the family straight away.

The atmosphere there is unbeatable & I always look forward to going. Charlie is constantly working on how he can make the sessions even better & one of my favourite parts is that every session there is something new whether it’s new equipment or session layout or some way he’s incorporated a hay bale into a workout!

I’m incredibly grateful to Charlie & everyone there for pushing me each session & for the constant support!